If you are looking for a replacement Trustee, consider One Investment Group. We have significant experience as Trustee, providing trustee services to over 40 unregistered investment schemes.
One Investment Group holds several Australian Financial Services Licences, and acts as trustee for funds covering a wide range of asset classes, including real estate, shipping, aviation, private equity, infrastructure and hedge funds.
One Investment Group’s Trustee services include:
- Production of offer documents for the investment scheme
- Establishing and monitoring compliance plans
- Advising on investment decisions for the scheme
- Ensuring adherence to regulatory and legal requirements
- Providing custody services
- Managing external service providers
One Investment Group can also take care of your scheme’s back-office requirements, including:
- Investment scheme administration
- Fund accounting
- Unit registry
- Portfolio valuation
- Unitholder reporting
One Investment Group can also act as;
Special purpose vehicle manager providing:
- Company secretarial services
- Establishing operating procedures
- Independent Directors
- Preparation of financial accounts
- Arranging external tax and audit
- Lodging returns with ASIC and ATO
Security Trustee for retail and wholesale issues:
- Convertible notes
- Unsecured and secured notes
- Debentures
- Hybrids